Web development skills are in high demand and pay well all across the world, making it a fantastic career choice. It is one of the most easily accessible high-paying fields because it does not require a typical university degree.
So, I have made a complete roadmap for web development that will help and guide you in your web dev journey for 2022.
To become a web developer there are three main building blocks that you need to learn - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages. It defines the structure of a webpage.
Learn these topics to understand HTML
- Basic syntax
- Tags
- Forms and validation
- Semantic HTML
- SEO best practices
It provides the looks. It's a way to style your HTML elements, position things, change the color, size, spacing of your elements, and animate stuff.
Learn these topics to understand CSS
- Basic syntax
- Selectors
- Box Model
- Media Queries
You can also learn some CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap.
It provides functionality. It allows us to add dynamic behavior to the webpage and add special effects to the webpage.
Learn these topics to understand JavaScript
- Basics
- DOM Manipulation
- Event listeners
Then you can learn how to work with APIs and fetch data using the fetch API. APIs are protocols that allow apps to communicate with each other via the internet.
After that, you can learn-
- Asynchronous JavaScript
- Promises
- Async Await
Some JavaScript Complex Topics
- Classes
- Scoping
- Hoisting
- Closures
- ES6+ Features
Once you are familiar with JavaScript, you can start with some JS framework or libraries like React or Angular
Here we will go with React as:
- It is easy to understand
- It is very popular
- It has cross-platform support
- It has an amazing community
Learn these topics to understand React
- JSX syntax
- Props
- State
- Events
- Conditional Rendering
Next, you might need to learn about react hooks. It allows you to use state and other React features, like lifecycle methods, without writing a class. Some are mentioned below:
React hooks-
- useState
- useEffect
- useRef
- useContext
- useReducer
- useMemo
- useCallback
Next JS
Next.js is a React framework that enables several extra features, including server-side rendering and generating static websites.
Build Projects
Once you are familiar with the topics you should start building projects. Building a project is the best way to learn things.
Version Control
So now you will start building some projects and you will need to learn version control. Version control allows you to keep track of your codebase. The most popular and widely used one is Git. It helps you to keep track of different versions of your code and collaborate on your code with other people. If you are working with a team alongside git you have to learn GitHub. GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. In my previous blog, I have explained how to get started with Git and GitHub.
The next thing you should learn is how to deploy your projects and websites so the world could see and use them. Some of the popular platforms are -
- GitHub pages
- Vercel
- Netlify
- Heroku
- Firebase
Now as we have covered all the topics for Frontend Development, we will now move to Backend Development.
Backend Development
Firstly you need to know a programming language. The most used programming languages are
a. JavaScript
b. PHP
c. Python
d. Ruby
d. C#
As you are already familiar with JavaScript now, you can start with Node.js. Node.js is a runtime environment for JavaScript, which means you can use it on the server-side. For node.js you need to learn any framework (Express.js) or inbuilt modules.
Some Backend concepts that you should know
- APIs
- Web Sockets
- Rest/GraphQL
- Serverless
There are two types of Databases namely relational and non-relational.
SQL - MySQL, PostgreSQL
NoSQL - MongoDB
Some essential things that you should learn
- OAuth
- Authentication
- Hashing/Bcrypt
- Rate Limiting
- Postman
- Load Balancer
- Documentation
- Reverse Proxy
When working on a large project you might need to test your web applications
- Cypress
- Jest
- Mocha
- Enzyme
- Jasmine
Congratulations!! With this, you are now a Full Stack Developer.
That's all for now. If you liked this roadmap, make sure to follow me.
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